Thursday, November 25, 2021

stop it, I heard you. I know, thank you

It is hard not to be grateful for everything we didn't become. 
For every wish and dream that didn't immediately appear. 
I am so thankful for the things that haven't happened and humbled me into trusting what has. 
We don't agree on everything, and I think it's beautiful how we can laugh together at the frustration of simply being. 
We love ourselves and others—equally devastating and life-changing tasks.  
The cosmic connection between present-day and future tense. 
Don't fear being blessed with curses. 
They make us shine; we've always been stars burning to be seen. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

I wouldn't say I liked the height of what they told me I couldn't do.

I woke up one morning clearly seeing sparkles. I thought it was a beautiful scene where my dreams had gathered. 
It was a definite sign of something hopeful and inspiring. 
Yet when I explained the fantasies to the world, they kindly shut me down. 
Don't speak too loudly, shine too bright, woman, please remain to the side. 
It was okay for a while; I believed I understood their views. 
But soon after, I became confused, and nothing they said was true. 
I volunteered to be an example, but the consequence was critical. 
I aimed at the sky, but they chained me to their expectations. 
I wondered through a heartless mind, only to rebound into my own. 
The sparkles were circling my head again, but this time I knew better. This time I wouldn't speak because if I told someone of my magic. It might be a blessing they might want to keep for themselves. 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

When you lied and said, I love you. So I responded the same. We were both liars needing leverage.

We can outrun any feeling if you hurry fast. We can pretend to be anybody else, as long as it isn't anyone we know. 
Take your fingertips and scan them over the wooded forest we hide in, from the responsibility of giving half of who we are away. 
A love so potent, its scent soaks us for years after we fled from its grasp. 
And it is no wonder why we acknowledge the present with the past. 
I love you, they said. 
But it was far too real ever to be true. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

I spy, memories

Let's dance around the ideas of making memories. If sleepless nights are capable of dropping tears upon our cheeks, then gut-wrenching laughter should be entitled to the same pleasure. 
If you slowly swirl around in a safe circle, we can pretend the lights are stars. 
I'll whisper poems so tiny; they cut you with affection. 
If you wondered where the minutes have gone, I put them away so we wouldn't have to worry about time running out on us again. 
Listen to the echoes; we will all remember the beat of being enthralled. 

Monday, November 15, 2021


It is morning, and there are things to be done. There are errands to complete and a week's worth of hours to fill in the blanks. 
But as you make your stamps along the pavement, remember why you are. Remember the reasons you chose this path. If you don't like the path, then simply change direction; the consequences be fools for tempting you. 
Against a heart like your being, you are resilient to the lava that crawls toward you, trying to take you down. 
Within your chest, a beast of beauty inspires an evolution of the most epic of splendors. 
Remember, you are one of them—the great ones. 

Sunday, November 14, 2021

beyond what they believed.

There is a responsibility we are born with, an underlying duty our parents ache for us to become. 
Be a doctor, be married, be anything other than what your dreams have requested you to be. 
We try to understand their background and their wisdom as if they know us better than ourselves. 
They should, shouldn't they? 
After all, they raised us, mostly. For spare minutes they had of their fleeting time. 
But I want you to be aware that your beauty isn't the only beholder. You are philosophical, generous, and fearless to the dynamics of our evolution. 
Believe in being bold enough to request an audience that cherishes the hope within your soul and delivers it daily to your heart. 
Be true to the realm of intuition and where that path may lead you. 

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Please Don't Go into Forever thinking we aren't forever.

If there were ever a plot twist to a real-life love story, it would be one that lapses a few minutes. 
Either walking onto the subway, bus, street while the other person you are destined to be with walks off. 
Maybe it is our stubbornness; we are absorbed in the ideas of what we think matters. But we are so focused on it; we forget to lift our heads to look around. 
It could be worse; the love of your life could die the minute you meet, and when they become reincarnated, it is your time to pass through the veil again—leaving an unsatisfying cycle of the chase and whimsical hope. 
How many chances at love are given to us? We are too busy looking at what we don't have, to find what is made for us? 💛 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


It is true what they say, how fear keeps you cemented, keeps you unable to move forward. 
They say outside might be scary; there are people we don't know who might make us fragile. 
But we have a choice to make, travel into the unknown or stay here. Without the temptation of growth, we no longer fade but fantasize about the freedom we are too scared to fight for. 
Outside the walls of our insecurities are the blessings we deserve, the opportunities we pray for. 