Saturday, May 1, 2021

Forgive Me: Charvi

 I've had this idea roaming around since before I wrote Mum's the Word Series. Before Harper and Zailey came into the picture. Hell, before Choice was created. Forgive Me was an essential part of heartbreak falling in love. It was so pure, the memories and daydreams about these two. 

They were opposites, they had no business being together and yet, they become the realm of true love, true expectations and deep forgiveness touching the bone. 

Here is a sample of one of my early introductions to their love story. 

She's nervous.

She waits not saying a word. Waiting for me to take her angsts away. 

But, I don't. 

I fumble with my thoughts, they are desperate to have their stories told. 

I do my best to punish away that opportunity. She is quiet but her expression is loud. 

The loudest one today, I turn around expecting her to stand there, tapping her shoes, biting her bottom lip. Hoping it is time, that she becomes alive. 

The fact is I feel her, like she is a real being, only to be shared on paper. 

I feel like a powerful influencer, given control to tell stories of each character given to me. The sad honest truth is, I do my best to push them away. It's like an audience of people waiting for me to perform. 

But I have my back to them, with a mic in my hand. I am facing a black curtain waiting to accept my victory. When it is all behind me, I can't seem to turn around and face the reality. To accept the success of them giving me their stories. Handing over themselves so that I may be a part to share. 

Sometimes I can quiet her cries, other times she runs rapid, hysterical. Calm, I tell her, relax and she knows I am the only one to save her to heal. 

She's ready, her screams turned silent. Now she is ready, now she is able to face the light and walk through the open door. Facing her intimate bright future. 



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