Saturday, April 3, 2021


 Raelynn Camry doesn't talk to me much.

Her voice is my voice.
We both ache in the hardship of trying to live a happy life.
But are in the battle of discovering what happiness means to us.
Without the expectation of trying to make others happy and we are left with ourselves.
She doesn't want to continue. She is reluctant.
I know you are worried about what others will think of you.
I know you are worried about what others will say about you.
It hurts. She reminds me.
It always does. I tell her. I've been there, we've been through the same things.
She looks towards Colt, who is talking to Bridger and Shiloh.
I am only worried what he will think of him. I only care what he thinks.
Maybe it isn't about what he thinks.
What do you mean?
Maybe it's about you being honest with yourself. Being true to him, by being honest. Setting yourself free.
I'm worried I won't be the same.
We all change. Colt isn't the same boy you fell in love with when you were a little girl.
He is better.
I believe he would say the same thing about you, Raelynn.
Do you think he will ever choose me?
I shake my head, not because I am saying no. But because if there was ever a man who wanted another woman, it
Was Colt Atwood to Raelynn Camry.
He turns and smiles at her. Giving her a nod of encouragement. Giving her the okay to let it all spill. The darkness.
The secrets.
Everything? You want to know everything.

I nod and tears pool in her eyes and she turns to him, his face full of concern he starts his way toward us.
I raise my hand to stop him.
Everything, Raelynn. Tell me everything.
She nods and takes my hand as she stands, and says "For him. Everything you need, that I can give. For him. For them to be free." And the first tear begins to fall, and the flood gates of inspiration opens up and she holds nothing back, except hope that the faces that smile at her will remain smiling at her until our story closes.
What good will it do? We don't end up together in the end.
Don't you?
"Not the same. Without him. I'm not the same.
Your broken heart, let's heal it.
I don't think I can anymore.


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