Saturday, April 30, 2022

National Parks

National Parks Quotes

It was here. This is where it happened. I was leaving, with the hope, that I never had to say goodbye. 

You didn't know yet; I would hold off like a coward accepting the love you gave, the type only meant for me. 

Second Chances couldn't come soon enough 🧡 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Good read Review

"Have you ever loved somebody so much that it doesn't just change, you know, it imprints on you every fiber of your being, every molecule, every atom is rewritten in their image. You no longer have a soul because it belongs to them.
...I think that kind of love would be epic if it didn't kill you. This is the story of how that love killed me." -Latest 5 Star Review from Goodreads

Friday, April 22, 2022

Author Notes on Writing National Parks

Author Note on Writing

I guess I wasn't trying to be perfect when I wrote this book. So many times, I get in my head to make it mainstream, make it this way. But I have a sticky note on my desk that says Write Raw. 
This book took all of me to write. Every secret, every fear, I didn't want to confront. The question mark at the end of a love story. This book is an emotional journey for any reader who can't help but feel. 

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022

National Parks Quotes

It is wrong to blame you. To forgive your strict spirit when mine was wandering. You wanted acceptance, approval, and validation from someone who wasn't me. 
I thought how odd it was I fell in love with you, when you weren't willing to trust not being perfect like I was. You've been scared before, but you decided to come along. Kenzo, you weren't looking for me this whole time; you've been looking for yourself. I was just in the way. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

National Parks Quotes 

I can't move on.
It's a hard reality to face, yet I keep trying to see if I can change the answer. The lava rock is sharp enough to cut, but I press my foot down hard enough to sting. Making sure I can still feel something other than losing her. -Hawaii

Monday, April 11, 2022

National Parks Quotes 

"The world is untrue. It takes me eleven hours and one minute to realize it. I say that in a way that makes my body shudder. Africa is everything I didn't expect. I wanted to be surprised. I wanted to be amazed. With my camera and backpack, I explore. I discover, and I try to pretend the ache in my belly isn't from the absence of a man I thought loved me as much as I loved him." 

Available to Read in Kindle Unlimited on Amazon 

Friday, April 8, 2022

Felix Ever After

 This book is an inspiring story about not self-discovery, and self-perseverance. The strength and power of the main character shook me to the core. Felix was an intelligent and powerful character to represent his identity in ways many people don't have the strength to say out loud. As a reader, you can't help but feel connected with the doubts and triumphs. Everything about this book was utterly meant to be. The best part of all, he never backed down from his true self. When friends and family questioned him, he stood strong in his belief. I loved this so much because it was beautiful the struggle, but the ultimate sacrifice of other's feelings to claim yourself as you. 

<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Felix Ever After" src="" /></a><a href="">Felix Ever After</a> by <a href="">Kacen Callender</a><br/>

My rating: <a href="">5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />

This book is an inspiring story about not self-discovery, and self-perseverance. The strength and power of the main character shook me to the core. Felix was an intelligent and powerful character to represent his identity in ways many people don't have the strength to say out loud. As a reader, you can't help but feel connected with the doubts and triumphs. Everything about this book was utterly meant to be. The best part of all, he never backed down from his true self. When friends and family questioned him, he stood strong in his belief. I loved this so much because it was beautiful the struggle, but the ultimate sacrifice of other's feelings to claim yourself as you.


<a href="">View all my reviews</a>


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Four Days until release!

How your face lights up and your chest puffs out, you take in the surrounding pine trees and clear rivers, fresh air of the breeze. 
I’ve never seen the sky so blue as when I am with you. 
The landmark of perfection was veered off to our real destination. 
The journey became our aim, and we cradle each other with the belief of benefitting from believing in love. 

Monday, April 4, 2022

like the way your scars spell out your tragedy on your skin. 
The way we are similar to the "but" in a sentence. 
After the affirmation, we become the excuse. 
It is a form of persuasion; we are right. 
While denying the illusion, we could ever be wrong. 
